Commit f1af7483 by 潘琦


parent f809fc3f
......@@ -1156,17 +1156,17 @@ export default {
return false
this.signCanvasW = this.$refs.signCanvasBlock.offsetWidth
if (this.signState === '1' && this.isSign === 1) { // 已审核未签约
this.SignatureSheetVisible = true
this.modalVisible = true
this.signCanvasW = this.$refs.signCanvasBlock.offsetWidth
} else {
if (this.pageType === 0) {
this.$MessageBox.confirm('是否直接签约?').then(action => {
this.isSign = 0 // 已签约
this.SignatureSheetVisible = true
this.modalVisible = true
this.signCanvasW = this.$refs.signCanvasBlock.offsetWidth
}).catch(() => {
this.isSign = 1 // 未签约
......@@ -1176,7 +1176,6 @@ export default {
this.isSign = 0 // 已签约
this.SignatureSheetVisible = true
this.modalVisible = true
this.signCanvasW = this.$refs.signCanvasBlock.offsetWidth
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